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Agilent 7683B Liquid Sample Injector

The 7683B Automatic Liquid Sampler consists of the G2612A ALS Interface Board, the G2613A Injector Module. The 7683B Automatic Liquid Sampler (ALS) system is compatible with these Agilent gas chromatographs: - 4890 GCs - 5890A GCs that have been fully upgraded to a 5890 Series II instrument ("fully" means that both electronic and mechanical upgrades have been made; a PCB-only upgrade does not qualify). - 5890A Series II GCs - 6850 GCs - 6890A GCs - 6890 Plus GCs - 6890N GCs Injector is in perfect condition, RSD for injection precision is 1.55%.

Agilent 7683B Liquid Sample Injector





€ 2.279,00 ex. VAT


1 in stock


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